Rachael & Simon Cox website experts at Website Club by Wildings Studio a South Devon website design studio in Torquay

Rachael & Simon Cox from Wildings Studio in Devon who deliver expert website input in Website Club - no pre-recordings!


Get free support to maximise your Website

Keeping on top of your website is one of those important things on the to-do list that never seems to get the attention it ought to. And what makes it worse is that fear that you’re losing ground to your competitors!

What if you had a fun, helpful space on a regular basis to help you keep on top of your website maintenance and marketing? Somewhere to keep you accountable for sorting those small important tasks with a friendly expert to show you the ropes - no more trawling through endless blogs and forums online!

Website Club is a free, monthly space to help you keep on top of the small, but important website marketing jobs. Our expert input, jargon-free resources and friendly like-minded participants will give you the boost to get your website working for you again, so you can get back to the important stuff in your business.

The next session is on Friday 31 March 2023 at 1:00pm BST (GMT +1):

'Optimising images; off-page & on-page SEO; Google Search Console; Google Business Profile: How do I put it all together?'


Already a Website Club member?

Log in here for replays and resources

What’s included in Website Club?

  • Live with our experts

    Free access to monthly live group video calls - direct access to our experts (no pre-recordings!), so you can ask as many questions as you like

  • No missing out

    Follow-up recordings so you can catch up or work through the session again in your own time and at your own pace

  • Tailored to your needs

    Help shape future sessions so that Website Club directly addresses your most pressing website challenges

  • Websites made fun again

    Learn and grow alongside friendly like-minded website owners, making your website marketing enjoyable again!

  • Maximum contact time

    A small learning group to maximise your contact with expert website input from both Rachael and Simon

  • Go in depth

    Get hold of our in-depth guides for step-by-step processes and best practice for your website maintenance

Topics covered in Website Club


Next session

So far in Website Club we have covered:

Future topics could include:

  • How to use Google Analytics to improve your website

  • Fixing broken links and errors for good user experience

  • Legal compliance to stay above the law


Website Club FAQs



Looking to deepen your Website Club knowledge?

While we cover the basics in our monthly calls, we’ve created companion guides for you to go deeper in developing your understanding and keep all your learning centralised.

We’ve created our guides in Notion, so you can add your own notes and content to the guides and add to them over time.


What people are saying about Website Club


“One thing that really stood out for me at Website Club was the concise, useful information about images. I’ve never understood what optimised images meant and have spent far longer at seminars and learnt less, so thank you very much.”

— Website Club member

“So helpful - this is on my to do list for next month. Thank you - now I have a plan!.”

— Claire, Life coach

“Website Club has been really helpful - thanks so much”

— Website CLub member