5 tips to commission a great video

Man & woman doing a high five leaping in the air at a South Devon brand studio in Torquay working with creative businesses

How to find and brief a videographer to get a successful video for your business

We are a brand studio based in Torquay, South Devon, offering branding, website design & brand video to creative businesses across the UK - this is part of our series of video tips (alongside website and branding).

Video may be all the rage and on the tip of everyone's tongues, but finding the right videographer and commissioning a great video can be elusive.

Getting something creative and special is all in the planning.

If you've been burned in the past, here are five ways to commission your next business promo video for success.

1. Know your why

The best video serves a purpose: whether brand awareness, a product launch or to drive sales. The clearer your purpose, the more a videographer can craft it and so generate more impact for you.

Here are a few things you can do practically:

  • Your why can come from your branding, which will give you some overarching shape in the initial thinking and planning stages

  • If you zoom in, think about the specific aims of the campaign you have in mind

  • Make sure that your marketing objectives reinforce your brand identity and the wider organisational goals of your business


2. Understand where you will use it

Purpose facilitates action, so plan where you are going to use your video. It's a sharp tool in your marketing mix, whether on social media, your website or when prospecting. Don't use it once then put it on a shelf. A good videographer can help you think about repurposing your footage for multiple uses (e.g., Reels, website headers).

Here are a few things you can do practically:

  • Each channel in which you deploy your video will have a different characteristic and audience dynamic

  • If you want to use your video across different platforms, incorporate that in the planning stage

  • Don’t make the mistake of thinking your video can do everything for every person

  • A batch of footage taken can be used in different ways, so talk to your videographer beforehand about this

3. Be realistic about your timescales

Video requires careful planning, setup and crafting; it can't be done at a drop of a hat, unless you pay a premium. Help yourself by planning a campaign that leaves space for recce, shooting and editing, allowing the finished video to make a splash in your marketing.

Here are a few things you can do practically:

  • Work backwards - when is your event or kick off? How long do you need to plan your marketing content? What is the window between now and when you need the content?

  • Don’t underestimate an initial recce which can identify issues or highlight opportunities in the video

  • Be wary of those who don’t undertake an recce or invest in the initial planning stages

4. Have a clear aesthetic in mind

Not all videographers are the same, so know the type of video you want; whether you are commissioning something dynamic and fast-paced; or a beautiful, behind-the-scenes feature. Commission the company that complements your aesthetic - show it things you like; don't like; or mood.

Here are a few things you can do practically:

  • Ask to see the YouTube channel of a company to get a feel for its previous work

  • See what video content it posts on social media and how does it curate an aesthetic - does it resonate with you?

  • Avoid forcing a company to go radically outside of its aesthetic unless it is a mutual and well-considered decision

5. Brainstorm your ideal shots

Knowing the kind of shots and footage you want will help a videographer a great deal. Give a good direction and indication of your style so they can run with it. Think about what's important to you: the venue, action shots or props you want to include.

Here are a few things you can do practically:

  • Don’t make this an onerous step - a few thoughtful notes will suffice

  • Show your videographer examples and styles you’ve seen elsewhere - this is perfectly normal

  • Highlight what’s important to you - make sure you state this upfront and clearly, as it will be the pillar of the video


If you've found that helpful, we've love to hear from you, otherwise tune in again next week for video tips.

P.S. If you'd like to receive these short, actionable tips straight to your inbox with no slimy marketing, pop your e-mail in the form below.

Simon Cox

I’m Simon Cox and with my wife Rachael Cox we run Wildings Studio, a creative brand studio in Devon, UK offering branding, website design & brand video.

We create magical brands that your ideal customers rave about; and leave you feeling empowered and inspired. Our approach blends both style and substance, helping you go beyond your wildest expectations.


How we put a brand together: Behind the scenes with Rach


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