How to rebrand: clarifying your brand purpose, mission & vision #2

Brand strategy overview with purpose, vision & mission by a brand studio in South Devon working with creative businesses

Why every business should grapple with the ‘who, why & how’ behind their brand

This is part two in our rebrand journey with Rachael, focussing on the fundamentals of what every business should be talking about at the beginning of a branding or rebrand process.

We are a brand studio based in Torquay, South Devon, offering branding, website design & brand video to creative businesses across the UK - find out more about our branding services for businesses.



Next up in our conversations about rebrand we focus on brand purpose, mission and vision.

While these may seem overly corporate terms or things you may not feel are relevant for your business, I'm here to tell you that’d be wrong.

EVERY business should take the time to grapple with WHO they are, WHY they’re doing what they’re doing and HOW they want to change the world.

Our embarrassing beginnings

I 'fell' into graphic design accidentally. I had no website or social media presence but people recommended my services.

The only place I needed a logo was on my invoice. So it was simple, and rather embarrassingly, I didn't put any thought into it.

I regularly changed the logo because I had no focus, no real why, and no real how.

People asked for work, I created what they wanted and that was the end.

Going all in

In 2018-9 we decided to go all-in on our business (see our brand story IGTV).

When we started our business we choose a name, created a logo but seemed to tweak colours, types and other things every month - things felt off.

We started getting things a bit more in order but seemed to have a disconnect at being able to help others whilst not applying the basics to our own business.

In a perpetual state of ‘busyness, we never made the time for our own business; responding to the urgent needs of others and not doing the important work for ourselves.

Revisiting our branding

Luckily we have always been in demand - and people have booked us based on what they have seen, but if we are really honest, our brand does not reflect who we are.

Our story is like so many other start-ups.

Over the years we have become clear on what our purpose is, who we want to work with and how we want to help others.

This has naturally evolved and we have refined it.

Our main regret

Our main regret is not asking the tough questions and getting these basic cornerstones into our business earlier.

They are challenging things to ask yourself.

You can feel confused, filled with doubt and overwhelmed staring at a blank sheet of paper - but having the answers is invaluable for everything you do, say and share across all your marketing.

Application time

Take a look at these brand fundamentals above - do you know the answers to these questions?

This should give you somewhere to start with your brand vision, mission and values; and we’d love to hear any of your thoughts or reflections. Do head over to the corresponding post on Instagram to join the conversation and share your opinion.

If you’d like to receive our studio e-mail which we (usually) send out on a Tuesday, pop your details in below.

We share website and branding tips; insights into brands we create; behind the scenes in our studio; as well as interesting events. Plus there are no silly marketing antics!


16 areas to update when you rename your brand


How to rebrand: The Wildings Studio creation story #1